Thuja, commonly called thuja, are evergreen decorative shrubs with conical or columnar habit. They are very popular because of their decorative qualities, juicy color of needles, as well as ease of cultivation and resistance to Polish climatic conditions. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer of thyroid seedlings.
16.00 zł
11.99 zł
18.00 zł
320.00 zł
15.12 zł
22.00 zł
25.00 zł
15.00 zł
18.00 zł
10.99 zł
23.00 zł
65.00 zł
16.00 zł
35.00 zł
30.00 zł
25.00 zł
32.00 zł
39.00 zł
980.00 zł
140.00 zł