Junipers are popular coniferous shrubs and trees, belonging to the cypress family, originating in Central Europe. They owe their popularity to high frost resistance, low soil requirements and their rich diversity. We can choose from creeping, columnar, bushy varieties with different colors and applications. Juniper fruits are a valued spice in Old Polish cuisine, also used in herbal medicine. The most popular juniper varieties in Poland are Sabinian juniper and common juniper.
110.00 zł
18.00 zł
130.00 zł
19.00 zł
19.00 zł
11.90 zł
16.00 zł
45.00 zł
11.50 zł
99.00 zł
115.00 zł
130.00 zł
130.00 zł
18.00 zł
17.00 zł
11.99 zł
22.00 zł