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White Mulberry Pendula

Container type: 7,5-litrowy (C7,5)
Plant age: 5 years
Plant dimensions: 110-120 cm
Appearance of the offered seedling

130.00 zł
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Product description

A tree reaching 15 m in height, with a spherical crown, wide, ovate leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Cultivated in many places around the world, due to its valuable properties.

The blackberry-like fruit has a myriad of uses. They abound in a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, which is why they have been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries. They are suitable for making cakes, syrups and spirits. Mulberry roots are used to treat cough, fever and diabetes. Mulberry is present in many currently sold dietary supplements, mainly slimming ones. The leaves of this tree are also used - you can brew tea from them, which supports digestion, stabilizes sugar and cholesterol levels.

A plant with low soil requirements, it grows well in any garden soil. It is frost resistant. Sun or semi-shade position.


Latin name Morus alba 'Pendula'
Habit arborescent
Target height 2-3 m
Color of leaves/needles green
Color of flowers white
Fruiting term August
Position sun
Soil requirements a tolerant plant
Frost hardiness -24 °C
Evergreen plant no
Use home gardens, public greenery


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