American blueberry Early Blue
Container type: | 3-litrowy (C3) |
Plant age: | 3 years |
Plant dimensions: | 30-50 cm |
Appearance of the offered seedling |
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Product description
Blueberry 'Early Blue' is a highly valued variety due to the fruiting period - it is one of the earliest fruiting varieties. The bushes reach about 2 m in height. Sweet, tasty and juicy fruits appear up to two weeks before the Bluecrop variety. They begin to ripen in early July. They are great for eating raw as well as for desserts, cakes, yogurts, juices and other preserves.
Blueberries are easy to grow shrubs. They are characterized by very good frost resistance. In order for them to grow well and bear fruit abundantly, they must be planted in sunny positions and in light, humus soils with a pH in the range of 3.5-4.5. It is recommended to buy peat dedicated to blueberries with an acidic reaction or to properly acidify the substrate with preparations containing sulfur compounds. Pruning should only be done every few years to rejuvenate the plant by removing old shoots.
A word about fruit
Highbush blueberries are juicy and very tasty. They have a very high nutritional and dietary value. The high content of anthocyanins (blue pigment) makes highbush blueberry regenerative for human eyesight. Thanks to the huge fiber content, they improve metabolism. In addition, blueberry fruits have a number of healing properties.
In addition, anthocyanins together with vitamins A, C and E have anti-radical properties, which effectively prevents cancer and other civilization diseases.
Another important component of highbush blueberries are phytoestrogens, which effectively prevent arteriosclerosis and heart diseases, and lower blood cholesterol levels. These and other health properties of highbush blueberry are the reason why it is often called the fruit of the 21st century..

Latin name | Vaccinium corymbosum 'Early Blue' |
Habit | bushy |
Target height | 1-2 m |
Growth rate | fast growing plant |
Color of leaves/needles | dark green |
Color of flowers | white |
Flowering month | May |
Fruiting term | July |
Fruits | blue, spherical, edible |
Position | sun |
Soil requirements | humus soil, moderately moist, acid reaction |
Frost hardiness | -26 °C |
Evergreen plant | no |
Use | dessert fruit, fruit for preserves |
Additional information | melliferous plant |
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Customer reviews
Alina Sobotek
19/10/2020 Opinion confirmed by purchase
Przesyłka szybko dotarła, bardzo dobrze zabezpieczona. Sadzonki bardzo ladne
Joanna Śliwińska
21/05/2020 Opinion confirmed by purchase
Jestem bardzo zadowolona, krzewy bardzo ładne, nawet kwitnące więc w tym roku posmakuję owoców. Na pewno w przyszłości zakupię inne krzewy u tego sprzedawcy.
Maria Chuchro
17/05/2020 Opinion confirmed by purchase
Moim zdaniem słabe sadzonki lilaka - szczególnie primrose. Borówki ok. Otrzymałam tylko jedną hortensję - Magical fire, drugiej nie było (Vanille-Fraise Renhy). Zrezygnowałam nawet z reklamacji, bo nie chcę czekać parę tygodni. Roślinny powinny być staranniej opisane. Pozostałe produkty są w porządku.
Agata Stasiewicz
24/03/2020 Opinion confirmed by purchase
Super w 100% jestem zadowolona
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